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China Import Economy


Small Box

Rate Plan 1
Box size 2
Small 12
Package size 3
Up to 1.0 lb (0.5 kg) 13
Rate per package 4
$75.75 14
Cost per lb (L) 5
$75.75 15
Cost per kg (K) 6
$167.00 16
Dim Divisor 7
139 17
Fuel surcharges 8
Additional 18
Surcharges 9
Applicable 19
Insurance 10
Available 20
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Rate Plan 1 :: Rate plan is the shipping profile available to a qualified User. Rate plan is subject to change at any time based on multiple factors, including but not limited to changes in customer Credit Balance, non-payment, changes in revenue, cash and other financial and non-financial conditions and factors.
Box Size 2 :: The dimensions of the package assigned to one type of package from a list of package types.
Package Size 3 :: The maximum weight of the shipment for the rate assigned to that shipment.
Rate per package 4 :: The rate of transportation charges on a given shipment. Additional charges, such as fuel and surcharges do apply, where applicable.
Cost per lb (L) 5 :: The rate per pound of transportation charges for the maximum weight of the shipment in pounds.
Cost per lb (K) 6 :: The rate per pound of transportation charges for the maximum weight of the shipment in kilograms.

Dim divisor 7 :: The property of Rate Plan that controls the evaluation of dimensional weight. to change at any time base on multiple factors, including but not limited to changes in customer Credit Balance, non-payment of Deficit Premium, changes in revneue, cash and other financial and non-financial conditions and factors.

Fuel surcharge 8 :: Fuel surcharge is an index-based surcharge that is adjusted on the Monday of each week, based on the weekly published spot prices for fuel published by the U.S. Energy Administration, and applied as a percentage of total of net transportation-related charges billed to a shipment.

Surcharges 9 :: Surcharges apply as add-on charges and value-add services. Check the service guide for a complete list of the surcharges and details on each.

Insurance 10 :: Insurance is paid coverage for the amount an item is insured, or any applicable amount per local operating conditions. Payouts are for an amount the lesser of the insured amount, repair, or item replacement. Additional terms and conditions may include a Third Party, wherein you represent, warrant and covenant that all Personal Information provided or otherwise made available is done so in compliance with applicable law, and in conjunction to appropriate notices and opt-outs or otherwise.


The subject Rate Plan.

Box size type specified.
Package size specified.
Rate per package specified.
Cost per lb (L) specified.
Cost per kg (K) specified.
Dim divisor type for the subject Rate Plan.

Fuel surcharge type for the subject Rate Plan.

Surcharge type for the subject Rate Plan.

Insurance type for the subject Rate Plan.


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