
Rate2 per service type

  • From: Bangladesh
  • To: United States

Bangladesh Imports

Textiles and Textile Articles, Machinery and Mechanical Appliances, Electrical Equipment, Mineral Products, Vegetable Products, Metal & metal products, Chemicals & Allied Products, Vehicles & Aircraft are some of Bangladesh's imports.
Bangladesh has a very robust garment manufacturing industry that has created many jobs for women thus making it second in the word in textile exports.

Shipping statistics

Service 1 :: The service type selected by the shipper. Service availability is specific to the status of the network and local operating conditions. Check the service guide for rates and transit times.
Rate 2 :: Rate is an amount of transportation-related charges, billed to a specific shipment, where applicable. Rates are offered to a qualified and eligible Users as part of a Shipping Profile. Rates are subject to change at any time based on multiple factors, including but not limited to changes in customer Credit Balance, non-payment, changes in revenue, cash and other financial and non-financial conditions and factors. Additional charges do apply. Check the service guide for a complete list of the surcharges and details on each.

Network Status


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