Parcel Index

white check circle

What is the Parcel Index?

The Parcel Index is the shipping and trade index that measures the changes within the cost of transporting various commodities, such as retail items, e-commerce goods.


parcel index excellent

A country with an Excellent Parcel Index score above .95 demonstrates exceptional ease of high value trade with many different countries at very competitive prices along outstanding transport-related infrastructure routes.

parcel index good

A country with a Good Parcel Index score above .80 displays above average ease trade with many different countries at competitive prices along great transport-related infrastructure routes.

parcel index fair

A country with a Fair Parcel Index score above .50 exhibits average ease trade with different countries along average transport-related infrastructure.

parcel index poor

A country with a Poor Parcel Index score above .0 either experiences a below average number of trade partners or has issues along the way with its transport-related infrastructure routes.

No Service
no service

A country with a No Service icon is ineligible to export or import through EPISHIP.


  • Brokers contact EPISHIP for pricing schedules tailored to a specific shipping profiles, package type, service selections, ship-from ship-to locations, all attributes.
  • Pricing is assigned according to nine subindexes, also referred as profiles. Each has a minimum credit threshold and a weekly premium rate to offset counter party exchange risk, among others.
    More about credit pricing →
  • Pricing is a composite of all broker contracts given the price paid by the 75% percentile for a given subindex with low cost routing the functional test.
  • Pricing is a market appropriate incentive at each profile with net rates abstracted into single service-weight-zone type values.

